Tag Archives: famine

More Data Pointing Toward Food Shortages

I know, I know, I’m beating this particular drum pretty hard lately. If you read this blog much, you already know how I feel about our food supply.  I’ve already talked about it.

Yet those were just a couple of data points that might suggest we’re looking at food shortages.

It seems today I’ve come across a couple more. Continue reading More Data Pointing Toward Food Shortages

Stand By For Food Shortages

There’s a preconception that preppers are perpetually running around with their hair on fire. It’s probably because we look at so many events and recognize just how bad things can get.

For example, there are probably some preppers out there right now watching COVID-19 and trying to figure out the probability of it mutating or something and sending the mortality rate soaring.

However, for me, there’s another problem I can see that doesn’t require a virus to mutate far more than it already has.

That problem? Potential food shortages. Continue reading Stand By For Food Shortages

Why Food Security Matters

I know, I just wrote a post about gardening a little while ago, but then I came across a story that has me genuinely fearful for the first time in a long, long time about our food supply.

No, I don’t trust it. However, that’s because I think there are too many cogs in getting food to the stores in the first place. What I didn’t really think, though, is that we would have a problem with there being enough food.

Now, not so much. Continue reading Why Food Security Matters